Frequently asked questions

Do I need to bring anything to the class?

If you can shower and change into clean, light-colored and loose-fitting clothes, that is ideal.  It can be helpful to refresh and reset after the workday and before embarking on an inner activity!  But if you are coming straight from work, that’s okay, too. The most important thing is your sincere aspiration to discover something new within yourself.

Will I have to sit on the floor?

The most important thing is that you are able to sit comfortably with your spine straight.  We have chairs and we also have plenty of soft mats and bean-bag cushions for sitting on the floor.  You can use whichever suits you.

Why are the classes free?

First of all, what price can we put on peace and happiness?  They are priceless.  Second, we are not giving you anything. Meditation is something you already have within yourself and just need to uncover.  Finally, we find there is great joy to be found in selfless service to others.  For these reasons, Sri Chinmoy always offered meditation classes and peace concerts to the public free of charge.

Who is Sri Chinmoy?

Sri Chinmoy is a fully illumined spiritual teacher who taught us — through his own life, through his philosophy, and through his encouragement — to endeavor to live extraordinary lives.  For more information about his life and philosophy, go here.

Who are you?

We are a global community of people like yourself — office workers, electricians, small business owners, Uber drivers, and even statisticians — who were searching for something higher and deeper, who wanted more meaning in life, and who feel inspired to follow Sri Chinmoy’s path of self-discovery through inner meditation and outer service.  Sri Chinmoy has thousands of followers who meditate regularly in centers located around the U.S. and all over the world.

I have more questions.

Feel free to ask us when you come to our classes or contact us.